220 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Korrun


Sat 28th Mar 23:41
Total WarGear II rated  Perfect
Good mix of fun strategies. Excellent introduction to the more interesting parts of WarGear (factories, dice mods, fog, etc.)
#15 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:47
HexGear rated  Superb
Fun board with lots of players or big teams. Should be played with medium or heavy fog. The small continents and cards are way more important than the big continents. Watch out for the negative bonuses.
#14 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:42
Tug of War rated  Perfect
One of my favorite team maps. Lots of choke points and a great way to eliminate stalemates.
#13 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:38
King of the Mountains rated  Superb
Just started playing this board recently. Shouldn't have waited so long. Lots of fun both for FFA and team games. Only thing I don't like is the difficulty in seeing the borders in some areas of the map.
#12 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:34
Invention rated  Perfect
One of the best all around boards on this site. Uses almost all of the extra features offered by WarGear while still maintaining the general feel of the classic board. Well worth the time to learn.

Great for 2-player, FFA, and team games.
#11 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:28
Iwo Jima rated  Perfect
Steep learning curve, but very rewarding. If you are looking for a strategic duel map, this is one of the best.

To answer Eleazar's question, the T and A buttons (multiple attacks) allow you to make multiple dice rolls while only using 1 "attack". With limited attacks you are going to want to mostly use the A button.
#10 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:24
Hex-Geared rated  Fair
Interesting idea. Unfortunately adding dice seems to have diminished the strategic appeal of Hex.
#9 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:22
Fresco rated  Great
Surprisingly fun for such a small board with basic rules. Use your limited units wisely. Every attack and fortify counts.
#8 of 15
Tue 17th Jan 23:20
Gates of Hell rated  Perfect
Love both large scenarios on this board. Not such a fan of the small one. Great for team games as well as FFA. Tricky strategic choices to make on when to go to the center, vs controlling the outside. Pay attention to the rules. Capitals, negative factories, fortify borders, limited attacks, etc. Lots of fun.
#7 of 15
Mon 4th Apr 22:33
Capital Crusade rated  Perfect
One of my favorite new boards. Both scenarios are good, but I have a preference for B where you start with a capital. Make sure not to leave stacks of units near someone else's capital. The dice advantage can kill you.
#6 of 15
Thu 27th Nov 13:20
Renaissance Wars rated  Perfect
Inspired by War of the Roses, but with some important changes. Make sure to not neglect building up your mercenaries. The win often goes to whoever builds them up first. This can be a surprisingly fast game. Don't get too hung up on getting bonuses. If you do, someone else will get to the crown first.

The first few times through use the coordinates in the legend to help find the matching symbols faster.
#5 of 15
Sat 7th Dec 16:19
Duck Hunt rated  Fair
Moderately fun whimsical map. Pay close attention to the board description before starting. The second player has a big disadvantage. 65% of wins go to the first player. I would spend more time with it if it were more balanced.
#4 of 15
Sat 16th Nov 15:27
9 Blocks rated  Good
Love the graphics! Gameplay is decent. The lack of choke points and symmetric nature of the map make it unique.
#3 of 15
Sat 16th Nov 15:16
Battle of Waterloo rated  Perfect
My favorite 2-player map and one of my favorite maps in general. Very tactical.

Careful use of the road vs off-road territories is critical. Use the dice mods to your advantage. Try to control the center early on, but don't get too hung up on it.
#2 of 15
Sat 12th Jan 13:37
Happy Holidays! rated  Perfect
My first win on this site! Obviously that makes this board perfect. :) I will definitely play this again next year.
#1 of 15